Discover Our New Book!

Have you ever had your dog go missing and thought, maybe he’s just become a god?
Okay, maybe not. But that’s what Ellen, our unlikely two-foot-four bespectacled heroine with a lisp discovers in the land of Puzantium. A land where cats run buffets, snails are Saints, and prophecy is oddly kicked off by massive bowl cuts. Already struggling with everyday life—like putting her clothes on straight, enunciating “Yeth,” and fitting in in general—Ellen is reluctantly thrust into a quest to save a land plagued by world-ending famine.
Plunged into monastic life, sinister forces in the form of a doubting Abbot—who’s convinced Ellen is a sentient mushroom, or worse, an imposter—threaten to derail Ellen’s efforts with a campaign of unpleasantness. The elderly Brothers of Geriatris Abbey, however, are more than willing to stay up past their bedtime to save her. With opening salvos that include the theft of the Abbot’s pens, prank calls, and friendly-fire laxatives, Ellen is left to wonder if she even wants to give this prophecy business a shot. Though maybe with some dumb luck and a few old geezers, Puzantium might just have the savior it’s been waiting for after all.
Oh, and all of this narrated by a talking dog, because... why not?
Ellen in Puzantium is a manic ADHD fueled romp through everyday fantasy life. A lofi adventure where rebellion brews over ancillary broom closets, friendships blossom in the absurd, and the mundane is anything but ordinary.

Our Story
Christopher and Ellen Huntingdon are natives of the Oregon Coast. Growing up together in the City of Florence, the two have shared many adventures since, including attending Temple University's Japan Campus, and living four years abroad in Tokyo.
Two bachelor’s degrees later, the pair found themselves returning home to Oregon where they drew further inspiration from their endeavors, which included working and volunteering with their local hospice. Christopher also spent time tromping through the wilderness at a State Park, while Ellen works at a local financial institution. The two are happily married and on most days enjoy the quiet life at home with their fur baby Ornstein. Their life’s experiences have helped them to form their driving maxim as authors:
Strangers in strange lands tell strange tales.